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Things They Carried

PBS Vietnam War– Ken Burns- this documentary series archives photographs, first hand accounts, video clips, and audio conversations.

UVA Miller Center- The Vietnam War

National Archives – Selective Service History of the Draft in America

Selective Service System  The website of the Government Agency.

Classifications for Draftees Lists the various classifications from 1A (available for immediate service) to 4F (physically unable to serve).

Fortunate Son Gale Reference, Opposing Viewpoints, uses the Creedence Clearwater Revival song, Fortunate Son to explain the discrepancies in the draft lottery.

Kent State Shootings Article detailing the events surrounding the student war protest at Kent State University in 1970 and the shooting of students by National Guard troops during the protest.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial “The Wall”  Highly interactive website about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C., also known as “The Wall”. This website is maintained by veterans of the 4th Battalion 9th Infantry Regiment, United States Army. Includes photographs of the wall, war casualty statistics, history and purpose of the memorial.

Exhibits at the LBJ Library– Take a virtual field trip to Texas to view and read about the Vietnam war at the LBJ library

JFK Presidential Library– Civil Rights timeline

Florida Ax Handle Saturday

Bob Fitch Archive of Photos from Dr. Martin Luther Kings Funereal

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