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Uniquely Florida GIS Competition

Spring of 2021 had students in Creekside’s Academy of Environmental Sciences busy working on the Uniquely Florida StoryMap competition with the organization ESRI, The University of Central Florida and CitizenScience GIS.

Each student group had to choose a topic of interest that was “Uniquely Florida”, provide research, map geographic findings, and present research in the form of a StoryMap using GIS software.

Students in the Academy of Environmental Sciences placed top in the state of Florida for their StoryMap projects using Geographic Information System software from their Academy coursework.  Go Knights!

Class of 2022 rising Seniors Jacob Allala and Katie Andersen for Invasion from the South- Brown Anoles







Juniors Emily Revuelta and Christian Yousefzadeh, Awardees for From Ice Age to New Age- Trekking Key Deer







Class of 2021 Senior Noah Gutterman, Awardee for Retention Pond Pollution

ACE Scholarships Awarded

ACE (Architecture, Construction, and Engineering) is a national after school mentorship program that our engineering students participate in throughout the year. Students work in teams and are given a project, where they must come up with a solution, complete designs, and presentation. Several engineering professionals work weekly with our students to help guide them through the process. The final presentations were held in April with the following results:
  • Creekside’s NE Florida team, Tiny House Tetris, won Best Overall. This team consisted of Corrigan Rotz, Brandon Ruckh, Erin Phillip, Jonathan Shuster, Lauren Castillo, Kaylin Damon, Jacob Denson, and Tyler Goncalves
  • Creekside’s National team, won 3rd place in the manufacturing division. This team consisted of Elyse Soracco, Leighanna Goldman, Nicklas Rice, Johnathan Read, Alyssa Buckingham, Ryan Flack, and David Gonzales.
Several scholarships were also awarded:
  • Leighanna Goldman won the National Scholarship.
  • Elyse Soracco won a scholarship from ACE NE Florida division.
  • Grayson Johnson won the ACE of Northeast Florida and Gresham Smith Scholar Scholarship.
  • Jonathan Shuster won the ACE of Northeast Florida and DPR Construction Scholar Scholarship.
  • Leighanna Goldman also won the ACE Northeast Florida and ABC Florida First Coast Women’s Council Scholar Scholarship.
  • Amelie O’Hara won the ACE of Northeast Florida and Stellar Scholar Scholarship.
  • Johnathon Read won the ACE of Northeast Florida and Baptist Health Scholar Scholarship.

FFEA State Competition Winners

Congratulations to Creekside’s new chapter of FFEA, Florida Future Educators of America. Members from across the state met virtually in April to participate in breakout sessions and to find out who placed in the six competitive events at the State level. Creekside members submitted projects for all six events and placed in two of these events.
Lauren Prangley, placed 3rd in the Lesson Plan category, where she had to prepare a detailed lesson plan, present the lesson, and provide evidence from the lesson.
Creekside students placed 4th in the Inside Our Schools competition. Hanna Glatz, Riley Hayes, Erica Kromer, and Emily Hall with an idea inspired by Philippa Lovatt and the rest of the Human Growth and Development class, created the video submission for this event. Hanna was responsible for editing all video elements along with photos and creating the final submission. Riley, Emily, and Erica conducted interviews with Ms. Carnall, Ms. Jasper, Ms. Rakov, and several Best Buddies officers to create a video highlight the partnerships between Access Points and general education classes. The thesis/main idea of the video was “Creekside High School’s Best Buddies/Access Points Program has increased positivity and classroom engagement for all Creekside students through partnerships in learning.”
Congratulations to Creekside FFEA – so very proud of you!!!

Miss Royal Knight

The second annual Miss Royal Knight Pageant took place on April 24th. This is an inclusive pageant sponsored by the Best Buddies club that showcases the many talents of our Access Points students here at Creekside High School. The new Miss Royal Knight titles are as follows:
Miss Royal Knight: Valeria Roman-Figueroa
Miss Sweetheart: Genevieve Rice
Miss Talented: Faith Northrup
Miss Fashionista: Claire Upson
Miss Dedicated: Nicole Gerald
Miss Congeniality: Mary Lou Chamberlain

CHS Student Named National Cyber Scholar

Congratulations Matthew Fernandez, 2021 Creekside graduate, one of 14 Florida high school students named National Cyber Scholars! The National Cyber Scholarship Foundation is a charitable foundation created to help the United States close its critical cybersecurity skills gap.  The NCSF aims to support the entry of thousands of talented students to the cybersecurity industry by providing enrichment opportunities, world-class training and scholarships to fund degree-level study.

2021 FBLA National Winners

After qualifying at the FBLA District and State competitions, Alexander Simes, Aryan Tiwari, and 2021 graduate, Tyler Goncalves, placed 3rd in the FBLA National competition in the Banking and Financial Systems event.  This particular event included a one-hour objective test where they had to place in the top 15 in the nation in order to qualify for the presentation competition round.  In this final round, Alex, Aryan, and Tyler were provided with a case study where they had 20 minutes to evaluate the case study, come up with a solution, and prepare a presentation.  Then they had seven minutes to present the case study and their solution to a panel of judges, who in turn asked follow up questions.  Congratulations Alex, Aryan, and Tyler!

The 2021 FBLA National competition included students from across the United Stated and nine additional countries.

CHS Student Named US Presidential Scholar

The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964 to recognize and honor some of our nation’s most distinguished graduating high school seniors. In 1979, the program was extended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the visual, creative and performing arts. In 2015, the program was again extended to recognize students who demonstrate ability and accomplishment in career and technical education fields. Each year, up to 161 students are named as U.S. Presidential Scholars, one of the nation’s highest honors for high school students.

From nearly 3.6 million graduating high school seniors, over 6,500 students were identified as candidates in the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.  Creekside is very proud to announce that Elyse Soracco was named a 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholar.