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Creekside Engineering Students Win SAME Career Day Competition

National Engineers Week always begins during the week of George Washington’s birthday, as not only was he our first president he is considered to be the nation’s first engineer.  The 2022 Engineers week began February 21st, with the annual Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Career Day occurring at the end of the week on Friday, February 25th.  Public, private and home-schooled students from northeast Florida were in attendance.

Students with an interest in STEM related fields found Career Day to be highly educational and enlightening.  Activities included hands-on projects, interaction with local engineers and several Florida universities, lunch, and a keynote speaker.

Participants competed in three events to take home the “Engineer Cup”, consisting of a take home project, a surprise project and an “engineering trivia challenge”.  The trivia challenge allows students to learn about actual engineering projects through interaction with local universities and engineering firms exhibiting at the event.  Take home and surprise projects were judged against a variety of criteria, and awards were given to the winning team for each of the three competitions.

The goal of the take home project was to construct a bridge using only uncooked spaghetti and hot glue that had the highest strength to weight ratio.

Creekside was the team with the highest overall average score of the three competitions and claimed the cup to display at CHS for the second consecutive year.  The winning team consisted of:

  • Joseph Hadad
  • Alex Wenzel
  • Magnus Schmidt
  • Luke Dixon

Teaching Academy Takes Home FFEA State Awards

Congratulations to Creekside’s Teaching Academy students who competed at the Florida Future Teachers of America state conference:

  • FFEA State Secretary, 2022-23–Riley Hayes
  • Inside Our Schools Video, 1st place–Avery Karl, Viviana Zuniga, Yahli Salzman 
  • Lesson Plan, 2nd place–Julia Blasio
  • Public Speaking, 5th place–Bryn Fremont
  • Education Research PPT, 5th place--Riley Hayes, Ashley Carpenter, Ethan Were, Justice Heydn

Scholastic National Gold Key Winner

Senior Daniella Young won a prestigious Scholastic National Gold Key for a drawing she submitted to Scholastics Art Awards last December, 2020. After winning a Regional Gold Key, Daniella’s work went on to receive a National Award summer 2021. This is a huge achievement for Daniella as a National Gold Key winner. The CHS Art Department is proud of her success and her achievement!

St. Johns Housing Partnership Ramp Build

Nineteen students from the Engineering Academy volunteered with St. Johns Housing Partnership Saturday, September 25 to build an accessibility ramp at the home of a St. Johns County resident.  The project started at 8am and was finished at 2pm.  It was the 20th ramp built by the Engineering Academy over the past 11 years.  Students used skills learned in their academy such as teamwork and measuring and put into practice their OSHA safety certifications.  They also learned how to use power tools such as the circular saw, the reciprocating saw, the rafter square and the pneumatic framing nailer.

You can donate to future ramp build projects through

National Merit Semifinalist Announced

Creekside would like to congratulate the following students who have been named Semifinalist in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Competition.

  • Ella Diab
  • Jonathan Sanchez
  • Gabriel Smith
  • Kalvin Tan

The following students have been named as Commended Students in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program. Approximately 34,000 Commended students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise.

  • Kyra Brenneman
  • Shaan Chudgar
  • Gurleen Dhillon
  • Eduard Dodan
  • Enrique Gonzalez
  • Timothy Mai
  • Ethan Muhl
  • Christopher Parrett
  • Corrigan Rotz
  • Aryan Tiwari

AP Language House of Cards Project

Recently, students in AP Language built houses out of cards in an effort to better understand how to defend choices versus identify devices in essay writing.  Pictures from the various classes are displayed here.