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11th Grade College Reportable ACT School Day


2025 ACT Juniors Messenger 30JAN25

When:  Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
Where: Creekside High School
Who: Enrolled Juniors (no other grades are permitted to register) are automatically enrolled and do not need to register through ACT.

9th, 10th, and 12th grade students will participate in a Flexible Learning Day at Home.

Pre-Test Instructions for Students:  11th-grade students will receive Non-Test Information to complete for receiving and sending their scores which must be done before the test date.  They will receive this information from their English teacher.  You may also view additional details here on Completing Your Non-Test Information.

Testing Room Locations:What To Bring on Test Day:  School ID, pencil(s), calculator, water, and a snack.  Calculators will not be provided; however, all questions can be answered without one if you forget to bring one. There is a strict NO cell phone/earbuds / smart watch policy. Please leave these in your car before you arrive on campus.  There will be an early dismissal form for parents/guardians to complete closer to test day for students to be released once testing concludes.

Dismissal:  Parents, if you would like your 11th-grade student to be able to check out after the exam, please complete the 2025 Junior ACT Test Day- Early Release Form for Tuesday, February 25th by 11:45 pm by Friday, February 21st, 2025.

  • Students will be released once ALL testing is finished.
  • If this early dismissal form is completed before 2/21, students will be released through parent pick-up.
  • If the above form is not filled out before that day, parents will need to use the regular early dismissal form, and those students will need to sign out through the front office.
  • No early dismissal requests via phone calls or emails will be accepted.  


Students with a disability may be eligible for testing accommodations for the ACT exam.  Your child’s IEP or 504 Plan does not guarantee approval of accommodations, the final decision on whether those accommodations will be granted is up to ACT.

Requesting Accommodations:  To request accommodations for ACT, please complete the “Consent To Release Information To Act Form” form and return it to your student’s school counselor. Parental consent is required to request accommodations for your student.  The documentation allows the school to release all documentation related to the existence of the student’s disability and the need for accommodations.  Keep in mind that the application and approval process can take up to 7 weeks and is NOT guaranteed.

Consent Form Due:  All consent forms for ACT accommodations must be submitted by Wednesday, December 4th to the student’s school counselor.  Any consent forms submitted after this deadline will not be guaranteed approval from ACT for this testing administration. As a reminder, ACT makes all final decisions on testing accommodations.

Existing ACT Accommodations:  If your student has existing ACT accommodations, you can view what your student is approved for in their ACT account.  If you would like to make any changes, your student will need to re-submit the consent form to their counselor and make an appointment with their counselor to apply any changes to the accommodations.

Once the consent form is received, we will start the application process. For additional information about accommodations on the ACT visit the ACT Florida Website or call them at 877-789-2925.