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Non-College Reportable Testing Opportunities

Upcoming SAT-NCR (12th Grade Only) Opportunity: 

When: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 
Where: Creekside High School / Starting at 9:20 am
Who: 12th Grade students who currently need to fulfill a graduation requirement (English / Algebra)

Cost:  $48.00
Pay / Register Here: Coming soon

Registration Deadline: TBD.

Upcoming ACT-NCR (11th & 12th Grade Only) Opportunity:

When: Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Where: Creekside High School / Starting at 9:20 am
Who: 11th or 12th Grade students who currently need to fulfill a graduation requirement (English / Algebra)

Cost: $38.50
Pay / Register Here: 11th & 12th Grade ACT Non-College Reportable-Spring 2025

Registration Deadline: Thursday, March 13, 2025.

What is a non-college reportable ACT / SAT? 

Students who participate in this ACT/SAT-NCR experience will be granted accommodations (i.e., extended time) in hopes that the extra time will give the student a better chance to acquire the necessary ACT English & Reading score of 18 or SAT English and Reading (EBRW) score of 480 to meet the FSA Grade 10 ELA graduation requirement and/or ACT Math score of 16 and SAT Math score of 420 to meet the Algebra 1 EOC graduation requirement.

However, because these accommodations are not officially approved by ACT or College Board, results earned during a non-college reportable ACT/SAT administration cannot be used for admissions or scholarship purposes.

All upcoming dates and details will be posted on this page. Ms. Marrero (Testing Coordinator) and the counselors will also be in contact with students and their parents/guardians on upcoming opportunities.

If you have any questions regarding testing, you can email Ms. Ingrid Marrero, Testing Coordinator for CHS, at [email protected].