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Statewide Assessments Retake

End-of-Course and FAST ELA Retake Assessments next window is:

All testing sessions begin at 9:20 am, even for students with modified schedules.

FAST ELA Reading and B.E.S.T. Algebra 1 are graduation requirements.  If your student does not have a passing score for either of the requirements, they are automatically scheduled to retake the assessment in each window provided by the state—geometry, Biology, and US. History EOCs are administered based on student or counselor requests.

Students can sign up here: Winter 2024 FAST (10th Grade), BEST (Alg. 1 & Geo), US History & Biology EOC Retake Sign Up

Students will receive a pass with their testing details from their first-period teachers before Thanksgiving Break.

Resources to Help Your Student Prepare for their Assessment:

If you are not sure if you are already on the retake list, please contact Creekside’s Testing Coordinator, Ingrid Marrero.