Innovate Your World with a Career in Engineering
Engineering students dive into a rich curriculum that exposes them to several branches of the field including Civil, Mechanical and Environmental engineering, as well as manufacturing, and robotics. Students have the opportunity to earn top recognized certifications like Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC), AutoCad, Revit, Inventor, and Solidworks.
Applied Engineering 1
The purpose of this honors course in Engineering is to provide students with a foundation of knowledge and experiences in the study of various engineering fields, the effects of these fields upon our lives, in an effort to help students choose an engineering occupation. This course prepares students for postsecondary engineering programs by developing a more in-depth mastery of the associated mathematics, science, and technology knowledge and skills. The content and activities will include basic computer-aided design (CAD) knowledge and skills using AutoDesk AutoCad, an introduction to workplace safety, and will also feature transferable career skills like presentation skills, and resume writing. Students will leave with a certification in AutoCad.

What is AutoCad? Watch the video to find out!

What is inventor? Watch the video to find out.

What is Solidworks? Watch the video to find out.
Applied Engineering 2
This course will provide students with knowledge and technically oriented experiences in the study of engineering that will build upon content taught in Applied Engineering 1. This second year stresses understanding and demonstration of the technological tools, machines, instruments, materials, processes and systems in business and industry. Prototype design and production is taught using AutoCad Inventor, SolidWorks and 3D printing. The content includes but is not limited to study in mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines as well as the study of manufacturing, the design process in action and teamwork. Students will also have the opportunity to be certified in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as AutoDesk Inventor, and SolidWorks. Students will also begin taking one of the four required tests to gain certification in Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician, which they will work on each year of study and will finish their junior or senior year. This course is also an honors course.

Applied Engineering 3
The purpose of this junior level honors course is to provide students with knowledge and technically oriented learning experiences in engineering that continue to build on the previous years’ skills. The content and activities include but are not limited to studies in environmental engineering disciplines, and this course will also culminate the MSSC Certified Production Technician certificate training. In addition, the course will also focus on the application of tools, machines, instruments, materials, processes and systems in business and industry. Modern 3D architectural design is introduced through the application of skills in AutoDesk Revit, for which students will receive an industry certification. At the conclusion of this year, students will have the opportunity to apply for a summer internship.

What is Revit? Watch the video to find out!

Advanced Technology Applications
The purpose of this course is to serve as a senior capstone course to provide Engineering students with the opportunity, to develop a project from “vision” to “reality.” Working in teams, students will design, engineer, manufacture, construct, test, redesign, test again, and then produce a finished “project.” This would involve using ALL of the knowledge previously learned, not only in technology education, but across the curriculum. This course is also an honors course.

For more information
Email Ms. Kelly, the Career Academy Program Specialist, [email protected]